Anna Shtefan
Dr. of Legal Sciences/Dr. Habil. (Law)
Associate Professor
Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
Scopus ID Web of Science ID ORCID

Deputy Editor-in-chief
Oleksandr Doroshenko
Ph.D. (Law)
Associate Professor
Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
Scopus ID Web of Science ID ORCID
Members of the editorial board:
Androshchuk Gennadiy, Ph.D. (Economics), Associate Professor, Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
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Armaza-Armaza Emilio-José, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor, University of Deusto (Spain)
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Bakalinska Olga, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ukraine)
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Butnik-Siversky Oleksandr, Doctor of Economics Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Economics), Professor, National University of Food Technologies (Ukraine)
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Gurgula Olga, Ph.D. (Law), Brunel University (United Kingdom)
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Horska Kateryna, Doctor of Science in Social Communication / Dr. Habil. (Social Communication), Associate Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
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Iakovets Iryna, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Associate Professor, Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
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Kapitsa Yuriy, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Centre for Intellectual Property Studies and Technology Transfer of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Ukraine)
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Kashyntseva Oksana, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor, Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
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Koval Iryna, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Vasyl Stus Donetsk National University (Ukraine)
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Kodynets Anatolii, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
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Mykhailiuk Galyna, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Associate Professor, Member of the Parliament of Ukraine (Ukraine)
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Myronenko Nataliya, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
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Oprysk Liliia, Ph.D. (Law), Associate Professor, University of Bergen (Norway)
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Orliuk Olena, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, State Organization “Ukrainian National Office of Intellectual Property and Innovations” (Ukraine)
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Richter Heiko, Ph.D. (Law), Max Plank Institute for Innovation and Competition (Germany)
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Senyuta Iryna, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University (Ukraine)
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Shtefan Olena, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, Intellectual Property Scientific Research Institute (Ukraine)
Scopus ID Web of Science ID ORCID
Szczepanowska-Kozłowska Krystyna, Doctor of Legal Sciences / Dr. Habil. (Law), Professor, University of Warsaw (Poland)
Scopus ID Web of Science ID ORCID