№ 3 / 2016
Orliuk O. The role of legal science in the process of reforming the intellectual property sphere in Ukraine: achievements, objectives, mission
Kashyntseva O. Modern values of harmonization of human rights and intellectual property rights in health care
Androshchuk H. Protection of trade secrets in international legal doctrines: strategies to achieve employee loyalty
Zerov K. Problems of identification of a copyright infringer for works posted on the internet
Shabalin A. The court order proceedings of the civil procedural law of Ukraine: scientific issues and practices
Chaban O. Duty of confidentiality and duty of openness in health law of Ukraine and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Kashkanova N. The role of deontological norms in the formation of legislation regulating the procedure of medical and biological research involving humans
Chomahashvili O. Parliamentary hearings in Ukraine: the experience and prospects